National Poet´s Day

On October 4, the Poet's Day is celebrated in Colombia.

A poet expresses his feelings, emotions and ideas through verses. Poetry is a literary genre with roots in oral literature.

Colombia has great poets who have known how to represent their country. and some of them are: Alberto Ángel Montoya, José Asunción Silva, Álvaro Mutis, José Eustasio Rivera, Álvaro Rodríguez Torres, Juan Gustavo Cobo, Carlos Castro Saavedra, Julio Florez, Darío Jaramillo Agudelo, Laura Victoria, Eduardo Carranza, León de Greiff, Fernando Charry Lara, María Mercedes Carranza, Giovanni Quessep, Meira Delmar, Gonzalo Márquez, Piedad Bonnet, Jorge Gaitán Durán, Porfirio Barba Jacob, among others.

Colombia chose October 4, as National Poet Day, "to commemorate those who through their verses make every fiber of our being shudder." 



