Value of the month: EMPATHY


What Is Empathy?

Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place. Essentially, it is putting yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they must be feeling.

Are you an empathic person?
if you think you are an empathic person, you should at least do these six habits:
1- Natural curiosity about people: 
This natural curiosity allows us to meet new people and learn about their stories and perspective, further expanding our own understanding and allowing us to cultivate empathy towards them.
2- They challenge their own misconceived notions about people:  
Life's experiences, TV, movies, and and other influences inform our decisions about the world.  Because of this, we grow up with certain notions about people Highly empathic people challenge these notions and seek to understand people rather than judge them outright.   
3- Place in other's people shoes:
Highly empathic people make it a habit to imagine themselves in the place of another person: to think what they might be thinking, feel what they might be feeling, and do what they do so they can understand why they believe what they believe.
4- Good listeners:
Most people don’t know how to listen well because they’re too busy thinking about what they want to say. Highly empathic people are great listeners because they’re sincerely interested in hearing what the other person has to say.
5- They know how move others to action:
An interesting habit of highly empathic people is their ability to use the power of empathy to move large groups of people to take action or create some positive social change.
6- Their empathy encompasses all of humankind - not just the good or suffering parts:
Their empathy doesn’t only reach those people who are suffering or clearly good-hearted. They understand the common ground we all share– the feelings, experiences, and pain– and seek to understand all of it instead (because they understand they don’t know everything) of just the parts they like or can sympathize with.

- Watch the video below to  better understand what empathy is: 



  1. Excellent! love this article is very complete and gives us a better notion of what it is and the importance of this great value


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