Today, Wednesday April 7th 2021our beloved city turns 208 years old and the Liceo Mixto from its Bilinguism Program and the students from all grades want to conmemorate this important date. Enjoy!

Barranquilla has many touristics places such as...



Barranquilla birth place of very talented people! 





Barranquilla has typical dishes such as...



Barranquilla is
Art and culture,
Responsible people, 
Radiant sunsets on the boardwalk,
Artists who are well-known,
Nights playing soccer without shoes,
Queen of Colombia,
Unique as our people,
Interesting places to visit, 
Lovely people, 
Loud music on the corners, 
All you need to live happy.

Finally, we want to celebrate Barranquilla's birthday with a poem recited by Sherillyn Ternera (11th Grade)


Those who don’t know you dream of you and those who know you don’t forget you."


  1. Excelente homenaje a nuestra hermosa ciudad por parte de la comunidad liceista, especialmente en estos tiempos...
    Gracias Limideco por marcar la diferencia 👍👏💚❤💛


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