March 19th 

“There is no need for a man to use physical force to show the strength in him, it is a matter of facing the challenges of life without fear.”

- Albert Einstein

Why is men's day celrebrated in Colombia on March 19th?

As a Catholic tradition, the church decided to put March 19 on the calendar as the celebration of Colombian Men's Day, this because according to the parishioners, this day is that of Saint Joseph, husband of Mary and father of Jesus.

Relevant points of the celebration of men's day

There are some people who do not take this day seriously, but men as well as women seek gender equality and support the struggles of women regarding pay and balance in work positions.

 In accordance with the World Health Organization (WHO) International Human Rights (IHL) and other independent bodies of the United Nations Organization (NGO); men have 6 fundamental pillars to implement in society:

Which are?

1. Breaking down male stereotypes: We generally see strong, muscular men posing for sports, automobile, construction, health or wellness brands, but we rarely see men who live day to day; who are parents, students, children and others.

2. Contributions of men in society: Like women, men seek recognition from the community regarding issues such as the environment, the family, the role as parents, husbands and workers.

3. Discrimination against men: Although there are few who speak about this issue, men also suffer discrimination in jobs, educational establishments, among others, because they are men. These behaviors can violate the right to live well and harm mental health.

4. Gender relations: As we have already said, men also work shoulder to shoulder with women to make the world a more egalitarian society. Therefore, on this day men also raise their voices to tell all people that rights are for everyone and respect must reign regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

5. Well-being and health: It must be taken into account that one of the purposes of establishing Men's Day was to prioritize their well-being and mental health. For many years they carried responsibilities behind their backs that made them have up to more than two jobs, which harmed their lives in general.

6. Shaking hands with each other: Men also want the entire male gender to achieve its tasks, yes, without hurting anyone or going over others. Male solidarity seeks for everyone to be completely free, enterprising and potentially productive.

